Work Conflict, Workload, Job Stress, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
This study aims to explore further and provide empirical information about, 1) the effect of work conflict on the performance of elementary school teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District. 2) the effect of workload on the performance of elementary school teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District. 3) the effect of work stress on the performance of elementary school teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District. 4) the effect of work conflict, workload and work stress on the performance of elementary school teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District. The results of the path analysis show, 1) There is a direct and indirect effect of conflict on the performance of SD Negeri teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District, which is 28.91%. 2) There is a direct and indirect effect of workload on the performance of SD Negeri teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District, which is 28.03%. 3) There is a direct and indirect effect of stress on the performance of SD Negeri teachers in Ulim Pidie Jaya District, which is 36.56%. 4) Simultaneously the variables of conflict, workload and work stress together affect the performance of teachers at SD Negeri Ulim Pidie Jaya District. This result is evidenced by the F test results obtained by Fcount of 15.322 while the Ftable value for the number of respondents is 152 people at a significance level (α) = 5%, which is 2.43. This shows that F-count > F-table with a significance level of 0.05
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