Tingkat Prevalensi Penyakit Scabiosis pada Peternakan Kambing Di Kecamatan Muara Satu Kota Lhokseumawe


  • admin uniki




The population of goats in Muara Satu District is one of the largest in
Lhokseumawe City. One of the factors that affect the sustainability of livestock is
disease, one of the diseases that often infects goats is scabies. Scabies is a disease
caused by the Sarsoptes scabiei parasite with typical symptoms, namely itching of
the skin and eventually damage, this greatly affects livestock productivity. This
study aims to determine the prevalence of scabies in goats in Muara Satu District,
Lhokseumawe City. Samples were taken from 80 goats and proportionally
selected. The examination was carried out based on laboratory examination of
parasites found in the goat's body. Prevalence is calculated by dividing positive
samples by the total number of samples examined multiplied by 100%. The results
showed that the prevalence of scabies in goats in Muara Satu District,
Lhokseumawe City was 47.5%



How to Cite

admin. (2024). Tingkat Prevalensi Penyakit Scabiosis pada Peternakan Kambing Di Kecamatan Muara Satu Kota Lhokseumawe. IndOmera, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1234/fanik.v4i1.375


