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  • Mahyuddin Mahyuddin Kepala Subbagian Pembinaan Operasional Polres Pidie Jaya
  • Azhari Azhari Dosen FEB Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia - Aceh


Kata Kunci:

Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, Performance


The purpose of this research is to prove and analyze, 1) The influence of leadership on personnel performance, 2) The influence of organizational culture on personnel performance, 3) The influence of work motivation on personnel performance, and 4) The influence of leadership, organizational culture, and work motivation simultaneously on the performance of police personnel in all Pidie Jaya District Police Offices, Aceh Province. The analysis was carried out descriptively and with a Path analysis approach. The results of the descriptive study show that the response of the police personnel being studied is the perceived leadership level of what is expected by the Polri personnel at the Pidie Jaya Police office, judged by the personnel to be good, reaching 79.56 percent of expectations. Meanwhile, the assessment of aspects of organizational culture is quite good in supporting personnel performance. Personnel assessment scores on organizational culture among offices reached 73.48% and from the assessment the level of work motivation of personnel reached 76%, and this is quite good, and the level of performance has reached a fairly good category, namely 74.03%, although it still can. be improved again. The results of the correlation analysis between variables show that the correlation between leadership, organizational culture and work motivation on the performance of the Police personnel at the Pidie Jaya Police Office is obtained R of 0.803 which explains the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, has high closeness, and is linearly related, with The degree of relationship is 0.803 Based on quantitative analysis, using a path analysis approach, the results are: a) There is a significant influence on the aspects of leadership on the performance of Polri personnel at the Pidie Jaya Police office (Y), both direct and indirect effects due to the relationship between The variables studied were 37.62 percent, b). There was a direct influence on organizational culture factors, or an indirect influence due to the causal relationship between organizational culture and leadership and work motivation on the performance of Polri personnel at the Pidie Jaya Police office, namely 11.50 percent , c). There is a significant influence on aspects of work motivation on the performance of the Police Personnel at the Pidie Jaya Police office, namely 15.51 percent, d). The amount of influence of leadership, organizational culture and work motivation on personnel performance is 64.5%. While the rest (residual value) from the role of the variables not studied was 35.5%. The residual value indicates that there are other factors that can affect the personnel performance variable


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