Prospects of Achieving Soybean Self-Sufficiency in Bireuen


  • Naziratil Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia



Indonesia is one of the countries that still import soybeans. The potential for Indonesian soybean cultivation is very good to be developed due to the availability of large enough land and sufficient human resources. The lack of interest of farmers to grow soybeans is a problem that needs to be solved. Local farmers are not able to compete with the price of imported soybeans, which are cheaper than local soybeans. This study aims to reduce the rate of soybean imports by redeveloping soybean commodities, especially the development of soybean self-sufficiency in Bireuen Regency. The results showed that Bireuen Regency is an area that has the potential to cultivate soybeans, but the right planting season must be considered to plant soybeans so as not to fail to harvest, the provision of superior seeds and seeds is very necessary. Participation of all stakeholders is needed such as providing counseling, providing agricultural technology and building partnership relationships.



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How to Cite

Husna, N. (2022). Prospects of Achieving Soybean Self-Sufficiency in Bireuen. Fanik : Jurnal Faperta Uniki, 3(2).