Analisis Infeksi Akar Beberapa Jenis Mikoriza Pada Tanah Entisol Pada Tanaman Okra


  • Mizan Maulana Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia



Entisol soil is soil that is still very young, which is just in the process of the initial stage in its development, (the word Ent means recent or new). Entisols are characterized by soil mineral matter that has not yet formed a real pedogenic horizon. This study aims to determine the effect of rock phosphate dose and types of mycorrhizae and the interaction between these two factors on the growth and yield of okra on entisol soils. The results showed that rock phosphate had a very significant effect on plant height at 45 DAP. The mycorrhizal species had a very significant effect on the stem diameter of 45 DAP. Meanwhile, at the dose of Rockphoshat there was the best result at 300 grams which was found in the analysis of roots aged 45 HST. The results also showed that there was no significant interaction between rock phosphate and mycorrhizal species.


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How to Cite

Mizan Maulana. (2022). Analisis Infeksi Akar Beberapa Jenis Mikoriza Pada Tanah Entisol Pada Tanaman Okra. Fanik : Jurnal Faperta Uniki, 3(2).